Bed Bug Buddy is biodegradable and non-toxic. Product is 96% naturally derived. Safe around people, pets, and plants with immediate access to treated areas. EPA classifies this formula "Most Natural" Available.
**Product meets requirements of exemption under Appendix APR Notice 200-6, Active Ingredients which may be in minimum risk pesticide products excepted under section 25 (b) of FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodentcide Act.)
Meets or Excels Federal Programs and Guidelines:
13352 Facilitation of Cooperative Conservation
13101 Greening the Government through waste prevention, recycling & federal acquisition.
13134 Developing & promoting bio based products & bio energy.
13148 Greening the government through leadership in environmental management.
Other Programs:
USDA Farm Bill Section 9002 FSRIA Farm Security & Rural Investment Act  SDS
Green Bean Products are designed to not only make your home clean and protected but more importantly you should feel inferior to all overwhelming stress causing elements. Products are derived from ingredients found in remote locations around the globe like Brazil and Peru.
Just as these thousand year old cultures have lived a healthy lifestyle, Green Bean found the exact ingredients and then formulated them to be released in the product formulation. So every time you walk into your home the aroma therapy fragrance released creates an unbelievable relaxing and zen-like energized feeling. By taking out the stress in your home it promotes better wellness for you as well as turning over a new leaf and going green.
1. Vacuum surface first, then simply spray Bed Bug Buddy evenly on items to be treated.
2. Allow to dry completely.
3. Repeat vacuum process.
4. Repeat process monthly for maximum effectiveness.